It’s now two and a half months since we said ‘goodbye to Shane’ at 15, Church Street – and that revealed that Elms Farm of Costock would soon be moving into Ruddington’s historic butchers’ premises. So what’s going on?!
Well, we’re very pleased to report that Elms Farm, run by the Brown family since 1951, is most definitely still opening a butcher’s shop in Ruddington very soon – but in a different location:
“The existing shop had been our first choice due to the history behind it” says Jenny Brown. “But unfortunately, for a modern shop, we could not make it work for what we needed. The outside loo up the yard was a slightly limiting factor, too!” she laughs.
Instead, they searched again, and their business will now be opening in the former Thomas James Estate Agents office at 17, High Street. The job of transforming these premises {below} into Ruddington’s new butchers is well underway.

“We were made to feel really welcome by the Village Market, butcher Shane had said he was looking to leave, and we thought Ruddington was a positive step forwards for our business” says Jenny. They plan to stock a wider variety of products than were available previously. “We will have a full range of meats, plus cold meats, a variety of cheeses, frozen pies, local ice cream and some dairy products – other things that all lend themselves to good food!”
The family prides itself on the conservation management of its farmland and making the welfare of its animals a top priority; including feeding them on as natural a diet as possible. “All of our beef and lamb produced at Elms Farm is all reared and fed on grass and is sold through our shops” continues Jenny. “We do have to buy in when we have gaps in our supply but we look to buy locally sustainable meat. Our pork and chicken is from a sister LEAF Accredited farm – ‘Packington Free Range’ – where all pigs are finished outside and the chickens are free range. All other products in the shop are as locally sourced as possible and we welcome any ideas from customers or local suppliers.”

Jenny runs the farm with husband Chris, the third generation of Browns at Costock, with son Oscar following in his parents’ footsteps and currently studying agriculture at Harper Adams. Their daughter Molly is enjoying increasing success in equestrian competitions, especially in eventing. Philip Thatcher runs the onsite butchery in Costock.
“Paul Yates will be managing the Ruddington shop with part time help from his wife Liz and will be supported by all of us here at Elms Farm” adds Jenny. “We are looking for a part time butcher to help in the run up to Christmas.”
Opening day on High Street is planned to be in just one week, on Wednesday November 18th, with trading permitted during the current COVID-19 restrictions because butchers shops are classed as essential retailers. Fingers crossed Elms Farm will pick up a roaring local trade during the rest of this second ‘lockdown’ – just as their predecessor in our village did during the first.
As to what will happen next at Ruddington’s historic Church Street butchers’ premises, only time will tell…